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Redstone Staircase

As the first post on this website i decided to do a simple redstone creation because redstone is what makes most of my maps work.Its basically like the electrical wiring done in your house,redstone dust to carry electrical energy to another component such as a dispenser or piston which we will discuss later in my other posts.Take a look at this simple staircase that isnt of course a regular one but a hidden one that can be used in many situations such as maybe you wanna hide something you could have a secret floor.It has very simple redstone in it and if you want a further explanation on how it works please drop me an email and i will help you :).

Redstone Door

You might think things are getting a bit more harder but in fact its not....its just that the amount of knowledge needed is getting high.This post is all about the Redstone door and there are many sorts of it.....for example theres 3x3 door,4x4 door and so on and so forth,it gets harder to understand how to make the 4x4 door and the ones after it but once we understand what each component does we can figure it out :)("Will be done in next post).Have a look at this redstone contraption and you will notice that we use the same components to make both,however there are many ways you can make these contraptions and thats the beauty of redstone.You can make it however you like either do it the hard way or the easy way but for beginners whats recommended by me is do it the easy way and then once you have understood the concept jump onto the hard one.

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